MediaShift . 10 Projects that Help Citizens Become Government Watchdogs | PBS
As the US government opens up its vast amount of data to the public, many initiatives which make most use of it have been developed. Here is the list of 10 most innovative open government and transparency projects.1.Watchdog
3.Follow the Money
4.Little Sis
9. GovernmentDocs.org
10.The Foreign Lobbying Influence Tracker
麻省理工學院「開放式課程網頁」 | 主要課程列表
M.I.T. Education in Taiwan, Minus the Degree - New York Times
More than 1,000 contents of the Open Course Ware project initiated by MIT, as well as many other Open Education resources, have been translated into Chinese. A large number of other translation projects are ongoing (including those of TED), and more and more of the greatest knowledge is becoming available and accessible to people in every corner of the planet regardless of which language they speak. Not only text but also videos can now be consumed in any language with relative ease using websites like dotSUB. (e.g. Vint Cerf - The Internet Today available with English subtitles)Reading Marx’s Capital with David Harvey » Reading Capital
Free Lectures & Courses from Great Universities (Audio and Video) | Open Culture
A great number of thorough open educational resources can be obtained from the above links. Open education (or open access) projects, when combined with translation initiatives observed above, will surely contribute to the enhanced level of education for everyone as long as a good internet connection is ensured.[Banking]
The Best of BAI Retail Delivery 2009 (NetBanker)
An exhaustive list of innovative online banking initiatives.[Social Contribution]
Main Page - Hurricane Info Wiki
Not only accumulate collective knowledge but wiki can also function as a platform where real-time information forms an emergency information centre. [Data]
Official Google Blog: World Bank public data, now in search
Wolfram|Alpha Blog : Microsoft’s Bing—Introducing One of Wolfram|Alpha’s First Commercial API Customers
More and more data is becoming available, computable and programmable and being vigorously integrated into search engines.[Open Source]
The Open Cognition Project - OpenCog
Open source approaches are not confined to software development but being applied to many other fields. Other examples are available here and research on how hardware development or design development using open source methods (called open source hardware or open design) can be achieved here. Many other articles or studies on various topics can be found through the following links.
Micro Payment
Crowd Sourcing
Open Access
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